Four Words Brought me here

After 39 years, there were a few things I knew to be true about myself:

I struggled with depression...

...and I  was definitely, absolutely, for sure, NOT creative in any way whatsoever.


In 2016, after working with a life coach and doing some digging into some patterns around my depression, I found myself expressing frustration that I mainly consumed, rather than creating, or adding to the world around me.

These weren't words I had ever heard myself think, let alone SAY, so I  was surprised as they passed through my lips.

But my soul knew the truth of them in that moment.

...I  knew their importance.
...I could feel their significance.

That year, I  set a mantra for myself to "Create More, Consume Less" and sought out ways to be creative at least once a day in any way I could dream up.

My first project!

That summer, I inherited a few simple tools, and built my first project: the work bench shown here.

Pulling something out of my head and bringing it into the world of things unlocked something in my soul I didn't know existed, and set me on a journey of self-discovery, passion, and creation that has only grown since then.

Today, I create from a place of love, excitement, and a desire to add beauty to the world, while blessing others in the process and having fun.

let's Co-create something great!

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